For Media

This page contains photos of past Desucon events, and graphics that can be used in news articles.

For more information about Desucon:

Santtu Pajukanta, PR Manager
050 345 0542

Renne Brandt, Head organizer
040 843 2266


Accreditation and interviews

All media representatives are asked to if possible announce aforehand that they are attending by email to Desucon welcomes all valid press pass holders without prior notice as well, but by contacting us earlier you will speed up your entrance to the event.

Our guests of honor will be pronounced later, and there may be a possibility for interviews.

Press releases

Desucon releases press releases mainly in Finnish, but if you are interested in international press releases, please contact our PR Manager for further info.

Related graphics

The Desucon Gallery has a huge collection of photos from the past years. Permission to use the photos will be granted on a case-by-case basis.

About Desucon

Desucon is an event for Japanese anime, manga and culture held annually at Sibeliustalo, Lahti, Finland. Desucon Frostbite 2015 takes place over February 13-15. The event is organized by KcS ry, a non-profit organization pushing for quality conventions related to anime and manga.

Desucon’s program consists of lectures, panels, workshops, performances and various other activities. Visitors are typically fans of Japanese popular culture between ages of 15 and 30. Our visitors are generally interested in anime, manga, cosplay and drawing as well as the Japanese language, traditions, music, street fashion and movies.

Each year hunderds of people visit Desucon. As of summer 2011 the amount of available tickets has been regulated.

      Event         Date  Visitors 
Desucon '09 6.-7.6. 1643
Desucon '10 12.-13.6. 3184
Desucon '11 18.-19.6. 2800
Frostbite '12 14.-15.1. 2600
Desucon '12 8.-10.6. 2900
Frostbite '13 16.-17.2. 2700
Desucon '13 14.-16.6. 2900
Frostbite '14 14.-16.2. 2100
Desucon '14 5.-7.6. 2900


Desucon Frostbite has an entrance fee, so we know exactly how many people visit the event. Because of this we can present exact numbers instead of estimates. In summer 2018 a total of 2900 tickets will be available.